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Ready to get your MN Boiler Operator License?
Why become a Boiler Engineer?
Required by your new job, and you're not really interested? No problem! We want you to succeed, this site will direct you to resources to effectively gain the knowledge to test for licensing.
How to become a Boiler Engineer?
Apply - For the first level of license in MN there is an application you submit, once approved you can schedule your exam. Note: for subsequent levels of license an affidavit is required asserting your operating experience (for Low Pressure this is measured in months, for High Pressure this is measured in hours worked).
Study - You're in the right place, now that you have your application in, start or continue to study. The MN Special Engineer license is an apprentice level license and allows you to gain experience in both High Pressure and Low Pressure facilities.
Exam - You've applied, studied, and now scheduled your exam. Now it's showtime! Currently there is a 2.5 hour time limit for all boiler examinations. The Department of Labor offers exams in their Saint Paul, MN location regularly, and throughout the year they offer exams at sattelite locations throughout the states. More information can be found on the Department of Labor's website, here.
Licensed - You've taken the exam, the proctor will state your results will be available in a couple weeks. In my experience you'll get them within a week. Once you get the email saying you passed, immediately follow the instructions and pay the fee to become licensed. If you skip this step, you won't be licensed. Your license card will be printed and sent to you in the following weeks. Remember to have it posted in the boiler room/s where you are employed, and carry a copy with you while you are working. Need more than the two copies they sent you? No problem! Just make a copy and post where required.
Additional Resources
The MN Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), dli.mn.gov, has a section devoted to Boiler Engineers, https://www.dli.mn.gov/workers/boiler-engineers
Go check it out and browse around, make sure to come back with further questions
Boiler License Classifications (this information will be on the test) - from DLI - https://www.dli.mn.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/boiler_license_classifications.pdf